Prayagraj is 122 km away from Varanasi and has rail facility. It is best to travel from Mughalsarai, which is 18 km away from Mughalsarai, as it has more train facilities to travel to Prayagraj. After completing Pinda Pradhanam in Prayagraj, Pilgrims can reach Varanasi on the same day night.
There are many Priests to perform Pinda Pradhanam and other rituals in Prayagraj. But all are Priests are from Northern States. Brahmashri Hari Jagannadha Sastry, and his son Lakshmana Kumara Sastry are familiar among the Priests of e southern region who have been systematically organising rituals from many years. They are carrying out pinda pradhan and other rituals under their leadership. Earlier they used to arrange meals for the family members of the doers of the rituals near their house.
Newcomers to Prayagaraj Shrine have facility to receive them at the railway station with prior intimation to the concerned priest over phone and to drop off after completion of the rituals. Though the rituals performed systematically, the cost of the ritual would be less early days. But now the rituals arranged according to the means of the doer. Rituals are performed under the auspices of local priests called Pandas at Triveni confluence.
The Priests Brahmashri Hari Jagannadha Sastry and Lakshmana Kumar Sastry can be contacted at 0532- 2501729, 0542-2506058, 9415238615, 9389195891. The Pind have to be prepared at the shore of Triveni Sangam of the three rivers Ganga, Yamuna and the internal flowed river Saraswati and merge the embryos in the Sangam. They are diverting the family of those who had performed the rituals to Sri Lalita Parameswari Brahmin Nityannadana Samaj located near their house for lunch on payment at present. This treatment not found in the earlier years. They are providing food at the rate of Rs 100/- per person even though they mention that the food supplied under Annadana Scheme.
Another priest Brahmashree Chari Subrahmanya Shastri (Chari) is available on phone numbers 09415637004, 07007103023, 09389927806 at Prayagraj. Pilgrims have given them Rs 4000/- for Pinda Pradhan and Venidanam Puja which is another important event earlier i.e. three years ago. Their fees is currently unknown. Their house is in front of Dharaganj Police Station. Even though rituals are being performed under the auspices of Pandas at Kashi and Gaya, pilgrims do not see the financial means like in Prayagaraj.
They also can contact and carry out the rituals with those who are suitable for the pilgrims. Pilgrims are requested to contact the priests over phone and offer Pinda Pradhan and other rituals to the ancestors to liberate their souls.