Kanchipuram of Tamil Nadu is famous to be the second largest temple town after Varanasi in the northern part of our country. There are 108 temples of Lord Shiva and 18 temples of Lord Vishnu in Kanchipuram town. Kanchipuram was known as Kanjivaram during the British rule. The town was built on the banks of the river Palar about sixteen hundred years ago during the Pallava reign. Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankara, the famous Hindu philosopher and saint, lived here in the and preached Advaita. Kamakshi Devi Temple is one of the most famous ancient temples in Kanchipuram. Legend is that Kamakshi worshiped the Shiva Ling prepared with sand and married Lord Shiva in the form of Ekambareshwar.
The temple premises spread in an extent of 5 acres and has a sanctum and gilded plane. Kamakshi appears in the sanctum as the embodiment of Parabrahma in a sitting posture. The idols of Lords Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma can be seen around Kamakshi in the sanctum. The sanctum is surrounded by small temples of the golden Kamakshi, Adi Shankara and Maha Saraswati.